Strategy & Planning for Business Growth

A successful business is built on a clear vision, well-defined missions, and strong values.

Our Growth Strategy and Planning service is tailored to help businesses define their purpose and set a path for long-term success.

Change is often the catalyst to this improvement.

“SAS helped me establish the strategy and plan to start and grow my business.”

— Moana Williams, Owner Bodyfix, Christchurch

  • Your Vision, Mission, and Values.

    Construct a compelling narrative that effectively conveys your business's purpose and direction.

    A well-defined Vision, representing your business's reason for existence, is crucial but often misunderstood by owners, stakeholders, or customers, and sometimes entirely absent. A clear Vision is foundational to achieving business success.

    When aligned with focused Missions—explaining what you intend to accomplish and the approach to achieve it—your business is strategically geared for success.

    Incorporating a set of memorable Values—defining the principles guiding your business as it pursues its Missions and Vision—will lead to long term success.

    Involving your staff in this process will lead to a positive team culture and pride in achieving the outcomes articulated in the Business Plan.

  • Business Goal Setting

    Establish clear, realistic goals that align with your long-term vision for success.

    Without clear targets, achieving meaningful outcomes is impossible.

    Goals that resonate with your Vision, Mission, and Values are more likely to yield the desired results, provided the owners are fully committed to them.

    When employees are engaged in setting and understanding these goals, they can see how their efforts contribute to the business’s overall success.

    Achieving meaningful goals doesn’t happen by accident; it requires thoughtful planning and exceptional execution.

    The financial benefits of this process drive growth, help retain top talent, and ensure the owners receive appropriate returns on their investment and efforts.

  • Business Plan Development

    Develop a comprehensive business plan that acts as a roadmap for growth and success.

    Many businesses lack a business plan or have one that is outdated, which is often a significant factor in their failure.

    Your business plan should clearly outline who will do what, how, and when over the next 12 months to meet your goals and advance your organization toward its Vision and Missions.

    A well-crafted business plan provides clarity and direction for owners, stakeholders, and staff, supports decision-making, helps allocate resources, identifies potential risks, and establishes a framework for review and accountability.

    It’s your guide to reaching your goals in the most effective way possible!

  • Accountability to Success

    Develop systems and tools that promote accountability at all levels of your organisation.

    Success in top-performing businesses comes from being highly systematic, with intentional design and process at the core, not chance.

    Whether you’re a sole trader or running a large company, delivering your product or service consistently and to a high standard is critical to success. Effective systems, thorough training, and a commitment to continuous improvement are crucial for driving growth.

    These systems should be easy to use and foster, rather than stifle, creativity. They are crucial for knowledge sharing and protecting the intellectual property within your business, and can become significant assets if you consider expansion or selling the business down the line.

  • Advice and Support

    Utilise my expertise to ensure the effective implementation of your strategic plan.

    The first step is appreciating the value of investing in strategy and planning for your business, with clear evidence of the financial benefits.

    Then, make the commitment to take your business to a higher level of professionalism and performance.

    If you lack the skills, experience, or time to manage this process on your own, I’m here to help you reach your goals.

    My recent and extensive experience in this field offers the guidance you need. Let’s begin by discussing your needs in person, over the phone, or via Teams.

    If you’re ready to move forward, please get in touch.

Our Services

  • Change & Change Management

    Understanding the need for and embracing that change can be challenging and difficult to execute. Doing the same thing and expecting different results, is not the answer.

  • People – Successful Hiring & Firing

    Building successful teams requires you to have clearly defined roles and responsibilities and a thorough recruitment process. Attracting and hiring great people, should not be something that happens by luck.

  • Finance & Money

    Knowing your income, your costs, your margins and the key variables that drive those is critical. You can’t control, influence, or change what you don’t know or understand.

Transform your business with expert advice. Schedule a planning session to chart your path to success.