
Your investment in my expertise is a commitment to your future success.

If after an initial discussion about your needs, we agree to work together, there are four different ways that this could be done, to get the best results for you.

  • This is an ideal solution for tasks with a smaller scope or specific outcomes, completed within a set number of hours.

    For this type of work, your investment would range from $200 to $300 plus GST per hour, depending on the complexity and scope of the work involved.

  • This option works best for projects with a larger scope where the time commitment is not fully predictable upfront.

    We would agree on a total investment for achieving the outcomes before starting the work.

    I am confident in my capability to deliver the results and am prepared to absorb the risk if the project requires more time than initially anticipated.

  • This approach is suitable for extended projects or those with greater risk for you.

    We would set up a small monthly retainer and a success fee based on reaching specific milestones that we agree on. If the milestones are not achieved, you will not incur any success fee.

  • This option is perfect if you want ongoing access to my advice, guidance, and support whenever you need it. It's like having me on your team, but only when you need my expertise.

    The arrangement would involve an agreed-upon weekly or monthly investment.