Specialist advice and support.

"SAS is dedicated to a select group of clients, delivering big results through a practical, down-to-earth approach."

  • Finance & Money Icon

    Finance & Money

    The strength of your business decisions hinges on the quality of your financial planning, management, and reporting.

    It’s crucial to have a firm grasp on your income, costs, margins, and the key variables that influence them. You can’t manage or improve what you don’t fully understand.

    When it comes to raising capital or securing a bank loan, producing accurate and well-presented information is vital. You need to tell your financial story in a way that persuades lenders to say “yes,” rather than giving them a reason to say “no.”

    Are you producing the quality information necessary to manage and grow your business? Do you need assistance in understanding that information in practical, non-technical terms? Are you looking for equity or financial support from your bank to drive your business forward?

    Your financing and money needs form a critical part of the Strategy and Business Planning process in your business.

    Find out more.

  • Strategy & Planning for Growth Icon

    Strategy & Planning for Growth

    Clearly identifying your Vision, Mission, and Values helps articulate your business’s purpose and direction.

    These elements lay the groundwork for a strategic plan, setting goals that drive your business forward.

    To ensure success, developing robust accountability measures and reporting systems is crucial to track and achieve your desired outcomes.

    Do you have these essential components in place to guide your business, or do you need support in establishing them?

    Find out more.

  • Buying, Selling & Business Valuations Icon

    Buying, Selling & Business Valuations

    Buying a business is a significant decision and often a complex process.

    It takes experience and a wide range of business skills to know the right questions to ask, how to assess the opportunity and risks, determine its true value, and avoid potential pitfalls.

    Selling a business can be equally challenging but rewarding. Knowing the right time to sell, accurately determining its market value, and ensuring it’s truly ready (and suitable) for sale are crucial steps.

    Understanding the true value of your business is also vital for raising capital, securing loans, determining insurance needs, financial restructuring, and planning for retirement or estate matters.

    Find out more.

  • Change & Change Management Icon

    Change & Change Management

    In today’s fast-paced world, organisational change is a constant for most businesses.

    Shifts in consumer behaviour, advancements in technology, environmental factors, and economic conditions all drive the need for continual adaptation.

    Recognising the need for change and effectively managing it can be challenging. Doing the same thing while expecting different results won’t lead to success.

    Is your business currently underperforming? Have market shifts or changes in customer behavior impacted you? Are you facing tough decisions about your business model, products, services, or team and need guidance to navigate these changes?

    Using good Strategy and Business Planning to achieve the changed needed is the key to success.

    Find out more.

  • People – Successful Hiring & Firing Icon

    People – Successful Hiring & Firing

    To build successful teams, you need clearly defined roles and a robust recruitment strategy.

    Attracting and hiring exceptional talent requires intentional effort and should not be left to chance.

    Allowing underperformance or problematic behaviours to go unchecked can jeopardise your business success, impact the retention of your best employees, and affect your financial performance. Properly managing individual employee issues and grievances is crucial to avoid potential difficulties and costs.

    Could your recruitment processes use improvement? Are you seeking assistance with a particular employee problem or broader business challenges?

    Find out more.

  • Special Projects Icon

    Special Projects

    Launching new initiatives and projects can be difficult when you’re limited by experience, skills, or time, and want to avoid disrupting your current operations.

    This often hinders your ability to capitalise on growth opportunities or to make meaningful changes in your business.

    Engaging a seasoned expert on a contract basis can help you overcome these obstacles, enabling you to achieve your objectives without adding permanent payroll expenses.

    Are you looking for support to kick off and complete your project successfully?

    Find out more.

  • Steve has been part of our team for over 15 years and has helped us hugely with both of our businesses. He is now one of our Trustees. We can call on him at any time for guidance or where needed get him involved with things we need specific help with.

    Brad and Moana Williams, Halswell Butchery and Body Fix Gym

  • Starting our new business and buying another one was made easy with Steve’s help and guidance. The guidance on how to go about evaluating the business, working out how much it was worth and then negotiating the terms was invaluable.

    Stuart McIlwain, Embark Solutions

  • Steve very quickly impressed us and drove, what at times, was a difficult development project. His tenacity and attention to detail helped us navigate a path to put the project in a position to be successful.

    Julian Bowden, CEO Mainland Football (past)

  • Steve constantly thinks outside the square, and looks at obstacles as challenges to overcome. He is a clear and logical thinker and is able to impart his wisdom in an open way and with clarity and precision.

    Chris Rodda QSM, Retired Board Member, Christchurch Netball Centre

  • As a consultant Steve is thorough and highly professional. He is also one of the better Directors I have worked with. His financial and commercial background is supported by a rare mix of detail consciousness and big picture strategic thinking.

    Stewart Mitchell, Retired Chair NZ Rugby, current Chair Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association